E-Fusion Cooperation Brings Together Nuclear Industry Leaders from UAE and France To Strengthen Industrial Ties

Abu Dhabi, UAE – 12 May 2023:

In the run-up to COP28, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) in partnership with Business France, the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy and the French nuclear cluster (CSFN), hosted a series of E-Fusion workshops to bring the UAE and French nuclear sectors together to further develop and strengthen their collaboration to power sustainable development. GIFEN, ANDRA (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management) and Nuclear Valley association dedicated to civil nuclear industry were also actively part of the workshops. E-Fusion provides a unique platform for both UAE and France nuclear sector companies to support the transition to a more sustainable energy system through strategic partnerships.  

The French delegation is comprised of 18 companies, including some of the leading companies in the nuclear energy sector, each with unique expertise and innovative technologies, with some of them already operating in the UAE. They participated in a series of events, workshops, and business meetings, to showcase their capabilities in all aspects of nuclear energy plant management and operations.

The event featured several workshops on key phases of the nuclear energy lifecycle, to identify the major opportunities available to the nuclear industry today. Experts from France and the UAE discussed the latest innovations providing insightful use-cases and operational solutions from reactor technology to fuel and waste management services.

France’s expertise in nuclear technology and safety has made it a trusted partner for the UAE local supply chain. This new edition of E-Fusion was a success and resulted in fruitful collaboration that will benefit both nations for years to come. French companies are committed to promoting sustainable development and meeting the growing demand for clean energy solutions spurred by the UAE’s ambitious energy goals.

This latest meeting under the E-Fusion umbrella was a highly informative and engaging event for both parties, with a diverse range of workshops and networking opportunities to improve safety and environmental performance of nuclear activities, in support of the UAE’s clean energy objectives.

The French nuclear industry is recognized for its commitment to safety and innovation. France has a highly regulated nuclear industry, and safety is a top priority. The country’s nuclear operators and suppliers are subject to rigorous safety standards, and the industry has a strong safety culture. In addition, France has several research and development centers that are dedicated to advancing nuclear technology and exploring new applications as part of its commitment to innovation and research. These centers work closely with the nuclear industry to develop new solutions and technologies that further enhance safety, efficiency, and environmental performance.

The UAE is a leader in the region for its ambitious climate strategy, with the goal of increasing the share of clean energy in its energy mix to 50% by 2050. The Barakah Plant has three commercially operational units, with a fourth unit close to completion, and all four units combined will provide 25% of the UAE’s electricity needs, removing millions of tons of carbon emissions annually.

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