Survey reveals top three performing streaming titles during Ramadan

Survey reveals top three performing streaming titles during Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan, television viewing soars in the Middle East. Production houses, studios and streaming platforms and TV use this time to highlight their most interesting video content to the public. According to a study by Global South Research, the top three titles on streaming platforms during the holy month of Ramadan in 2024 were “The Assassins” on Yango Play, “Ramez Gab Min El Akher” and “Zawja Wahida La Takfi” on Shahid and MBC TV channel, captivating large audiences across the UAE and KSA.
Conducted through an online panel survey in April 2024, the research sampled 1,000 respondents, split evenly between the two countries, covering men and women aged 18 to 55 who are internet users residing in the UAE and KSA.
In the UAE, the study showed that 25% of respondents had watched “Ramez Gab Min El Akher” on Shahid, 24% had seen “The Assassins” on Yango Play, and 15% had viewed “Zawja Wahida La Takfi.” In KSA, 39% watched “Ramez Gab Min El Akher,” 25% viewed “The Assassins,” and 33% tuned into “Zawja Wahida La Takfi.” “The Assassins” enjoyed consistent viewership across both the UAE and KSA, reflecting its wide appeal among diverse audiences.
In the UAE, “Ramez Gab Min El Akher” and “The Assassins” were watched more often by younger audiences. “The Assassins” emerged as the top choice among the 25-34 age demographic, with a remarkable 39% awareness level and 28% having watched it. “Ramez Gab Min El Akher” came in second with awareness at 35% and 26% viewership.
“Ramez Gab Min El Akher” (28%) and “The Assassins” (22%) were named the most high-profile premieres in Ramadan. The Assassins ranked as the first most talked-about film in the UAE and KSA, with respondents saying its premiere received the most buzz in the UAE. “Ramez Gab Min El Akher” earned this title with KSA respondents. Both movies were the most discussed premieres in Ramadan.
Overall, “The Assassins” on Yango Play “Ramez Gab Min El Akher” and “Zawja Wahida La Takfi” on Shahid and MBC TV channel enjoyed widespread awareness and demonstrated strong viewership across the UAE and Saudi Arabia during one of the most competitive viewing periods of the year.
